
Friday 10 August 2012

Weeks 16 – 18 : the muffin is training to be a footballer!

First of all I must apologise I know that I’ve neglected the blog somewhat over recent weeks. I can only blame a manic work schedule and a nasty bout of gastric flu, so I know I have some catching up to do.

I have to admit though that the last couple of weeks have definitely got more excited. I feel so much better in myself and apart from the flu bug I have officially stopped being sick!! Whoop whoop!

I’m still a little tired on some days but if I need a nap I just try and take it and then if I’ve got a busy day or night ahead I try and prepare by getting some rest beforehand.

However the most exciting news I have to report is, little muffin has started kicking!! It’s the weirdest thing. I started feeling little popping bubbles mid last week and they’ve just gradually increased. I kept doubting that they meant anything to start with but now it’s increased and it’s not like anything I’ve ever felt before so I’m assuming that it is the muffin kicking away.

You wait so long to feel them and then suddenly they never seem to stop! As I’ve been sitting here watching the Olympics this morning I’ve literally had about thirty little thumps. I can only describe it now as like a little elastic band pinging against the inside of my belly. It’s funny because you can now start to visualize how big he/she is from their little feet. It just constantly makes me smile.

Alongside the kicking, muffin is also growing like crazy, I can now see my bump getting bigger by the day. This did mean however it was time to take the plunge and go maternity clothes shopping. I arranged to go with my mum last Tuesday to Milton Keynes and I have to say I was really disappointed by what was available. We went into John Lewis, M&S and New Look only to be told their only collections were online. It was so frustrating because whilst I know the choice online is great, I actually wanted to try bits and pieces on to get an idea of my size. I mean they all cater for tall and petite people so why discriminate against pregnant people, GRRRRR!!!

Eventually though we hit gold in Debenhams who have a great Red Herring selection and I managed to get most of the basics. It really makes all the difference waking up in the morning and actually having a selection of clothes to choose from.

I’m also getting excited because we’ve just got over a week to go now until the anomaly scan and finding out what the sex is. I know a lot of people say you should try and keep it a surprise but in all honesty it still will be it’s just a surprise a couple of months earlier. I do admire people though who have the strength to wait, I’m just desperate to get planning.

Finally on the negative side I have been suffering an increasing amount of back pain which has been really annoying but I’m now receiving physiotherapy for it, on the NHS!! I couldn’t believe they offer that kind of care and I’m really hoping it’s going to help. If you’re suffering from this then definitely ask your GP/midwife about extra help. The earlier you go the more strength you can build. 

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