
Tuesday 28 August 2012

The Top 10 Greatest Lies About Pregnancy

I stumbled across the below in a book I was reading this weekend, 'The best friends' guide to pregnancy by Vicki Lovine', and it really made me chuckle so I thought I'd share. BTW the book is also definitely worth a read, I've found it pretty helpful over the last couple of months...

1. Lamaze works

2. Morning sickness is gone by lunchtime

3. Maternity clothes are so much cuter now

4. You will have your pre-pregnancy figure back in three months. Especially if you breastfeed

5. Oil massages prevent stretch marks

6. Pregnant women have the most beautiful skin and hair

7. 'I swear, you face hasn't changed at all.'

8. Pregnancy brings a man and woman closer together (yeah, you and your doctor!)

9. 'You haven't put on weight anywhere but your tummy.'

10. Pregnancy only lasts nine months

However I didn't think this quite went far enough so I thought I'd a couple of my own...

11. You should stop needing to go to the loo in the middle of the night during the second trimester (I can count on one hand the number of uninterrupted night's of sleep)

12. You feel amazing during the second trimester (I'm still just tired as I was in the first)

13. You'll be wrapped up in cotton wool by your nearest and dearest (every time I even hint at a moan I see eyes roll and people say, 'ohhh you've got a long way to go yet and if you're struggling now...')

14. Everyone loves a pregnant woman (they do but not for the reasons you'd assume by this statement, they love a pregnant woman because it means they can suddenly share all their extreme horror stories)

15. You become instantly broody whenever you see other babies (I've become the complete opposite, I look at other babies now with horror and fear that a) that actually has to come out of me and b) what if mine is that ugly...)

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