
Monday, 9 December 2013

Geox Little Steps

I can't quite believe it but we're almost at the one year mark with little Bear and now that he's standing confidently on his own I know it's not long before he thinks about his first steps. With that and the cold weather I've been looking at footwear for him, just for when we're out and about. So when I was invited to take a look at the new collection from Geox at the weekend, I jumped at the opportunity to learn a bit more.

Geox is an Italian brand made famous for its porous technology that allows sweat and odours out of the shoes without letting any water in. Traditionally I've always thought they were more for people my mums age but I have to say I was completely wrong. They actually have a great range of women's shoes and kids shoes!

I chose these ones for Arthur and he looks unbelievably cute in them:

It's also worth mentioning as you can't see in the image but they have a zip down the side so they're really easy to get on and you don't need to worry about the laces or ramming / wiggling their feet in.

And here's some more examples from the baby and junior range you might like:

The only other thing I'd say is that they're not cheap with prices ranging from around £47 right up to £80, and £20 for slippers. However, for me they were worth it because they're the kind I want to keep and remember when he's married and left home.

If you want to find out more about the range, just click here.

Happy Xmas,

Mrs W xxx

Sunday, 8 December 2013

My favourite Xmas jumpers for boys

So with December well under way I couldn’t help myself and started getting excited about what I’m going to be dressing little man in this year.

First on my shopping list is without doubt the obligatory Christmas jumper, and here are my fav’s from this year’s selection:

Jojo Maman Bebe

In all honest, no one in my opinion does it better than Jojo Maman Bebe, especially with their cashmere mix making them softer for their delicate skin:

I’ve actually just ordered the red reindeer one for Arthur this year, definitely worth the investment even if they only wear it for a couple of weeks as it’s one of those items to keep forever.

Prices start at £21 each and you can check them out for yourself here

Mamas & Papas 

My second favourite is this unisex cute red hoody from Mamas & Papas, currently on sale for the amazing bargain price of £13

Made from 100% cotton this will work not only for this Xmas but also another if you have another one it doesn't matter the sex because it works for both, or even better get two if you have twins ;-). 


If you've a smaller budget then I do love this one from Tesco, because let's face it who doesn't want a xmas pudding jumper ;-). 

Plus the great news is that it's on sale for only £5 so be quick! 

George at Asda 

Of if Disney is more your thing, I also love this one from George at Asda. Also for a Disney jumper it's actually quite smart and has cute little elbow pads. 

And... it's another bargain at just £10. 


Finally I had to include this one just because I love the style of it, it's just really cheeky chappy. 

It's also very reasonably priced at £12 plus it's made from cotton so will be nice on your little one without them risking over heating. 

This list is definitely not exhaustive though so please fill me in on your favourites and pictures of your little ones wearing them! I'm loving the festive spirit so join in! 

Happy Xmas

Mrs W xxx